Sunday, December 23, 2012

Shaking Things Up!

Shaking things up!

On 12/21/12 in San Carlos we heard and felt a small earthquake, and this only contributed to the amazing shifting energies of that auspicious day of gifts for each of us and humanity as a whole.  Later an eclectic group (of men, women, children and dogs, with 4 nationalities represented) gathered at the beach for a short ceremony to assist with anchoring in a powerful stream of Diving light flowing forth and contributing to the raising awareness of each BEing on the Earth.
The week previous I had felt light-headed even dizzy as my awareness of the Earth’s actual shifting and moving into alignment entered by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  And before the surges of love on 12/12/12 I experienced triggers that led to irritation, anxiety, and even anger.  That was transmuted and replaced with a deluge of love that I could physically experience as fluffy, soft, blissfulness.  Everyone is now experiencing these intense influxes and shifts in vibration.  And for some this leads to anxiety and chaos as the underlying fear surfaces to be washed away and transmuted. 
On Friday we each experienced this brilliant flood of energy in our own unique way.  Some felt the flow, tingle or intensity others saw sparkling light, others realized the subtleness on a subconscious level.  We put the intention out to be an active participant of the melding and integrating of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within and in the world around us. After we filled ourselves we projected the light to the world and all inhabitants, including the human, animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.  We breathed oneness, cooperation, freedom, health and well being, balance, prosperity, joy and LOVE!!!  
We also grounded ourselves into the very precious present moment, and focused on our intentions for the future.  What do we want to realize in our lives? more love? health and well being? abundance and prosperity? freedom? a career change? a partner? a new home? safety and security? more play and pleasure? service to others??? we sent the image off to the Universe we released attachments to realize that we would receive this or better in return.  Our energetic bodies are shifting to a more crystalline state of BEing so that we can channel and transmit more of this love and light to ourselves and each other.
I believe by being grounded, centered and focused on gratitude, compassion, the positive change we wish to experience is of the utmost importance now.  A release of our “old” patterns, beliefs and ways of being to make way for the “new” way of life on Earth is essential.  I feel as if time has actually stopped in the last couple of days.  I want to sit and experience and feel all of this.  As I transmute, release and let go, it’s not alway pleasant, but I realize that I’m making way for  the “new” me that’s to be reflected in the world around me.  I encourage you to take quiet time, to rest, to receive, to nurture yourself as you focus on the many blessings in your life currently.  All of these injections of energy, the raising of our frequency and vibration coincide with the beginning of winter. A time to step into the dark quiet of hibernation, to snuggle into a comfortable place, and also to experience the giving and receiving of the holiday season.  
We are invited to connect with our intuition, High Self, our Soul, the Divine, the Angels on a deeper level, and to open further to our highest potential.  It’s right in front of we did..step forward into your new crystalline Divine blueprint and BE all that you can BE!!  
Intuition is a mysterious, powerful, and subtle ability that every human being possesses and can develop.  We can ignore it, follow it, neglect it or nourish it. Intuition is our birthright, evidence of Divinity incarnate in physical form.  Our intuitive self is our most evolved self, our Highest Self, a being both aware and conscious.  It helps us to know and understand ourselves and our purpose in life.  It functions as a guide, helping develop our highest potential.  It points us in directions which encourage us to develop further and to explore deeper, to discover and know ourselves more fully. It is non-judgmental, recognizing the value, of all things and yet can discern which path would bring greatest benefit to all concerned.   It is the wise part of ourselves. It brings greater awareness to the individual, which in turn, increases collective consciousness.  It benefits the Universe more than the individual.

I realize that part of my Divine purpose is to share what I’ve learned and experienced over the years and continue to do each day.  Here are some of the opportunities that I wish to share in 2013=a year of hope, oneness and love with  tentative dates.  If you wish to participate please let me know.  Also share this with others.  Perhaps there’s a gathering that you would love to participate in, but the date doesn’t work for you, let me know that also:

Divine Purpose Cards... When you know your life purpose, life takes on harmonious and abundant qualities.  Working with this card deck by Doreen Virtue will allow you to explore your career and spiritual path.  Learn how to use the cards for yourself and others as you deepen your connection with your High Self, the Angels, All That Is....materials included......I’m thinking of January 11th, 2:00-4:00

Chakra 6-Don’t miss this opportunity!  Gather with other “seers” on January 30th at 2:00, and open yourself to new possibilities and sights!! The gift of seeing, inner and outer, that is the essence and function of the 6th chakra.  Seeing gives us the ability to instantaneously take in enormous amounts of information about our surroundings. We further enhance our psychic abilities and can see beyond the physical world bringing us added insight. The third eye represents inspiration, imagination, intuitive perception, wisdom and guidance.  This is the area not only where you envision your future, but it is also the storehouse of past memories. 

Come Fly with the Angels! There are many more angels who come to this planet now when it raises its frequency. The veil becomes thinner and more people are getting in touch with the angelic realm. The Angels have called upon me to offer yet another opportunity! I've been communicating and working with angels and Archangels for most of my life.  They want me to help you do the same! CALLING upon angels is a powerful way to bring light and love into any situation.  Anyone can call upon the angels. Who are they? What do they look like? How do they communicate with us? How and why should we contact them? Invoking angels is one of the most powerful and profoundly healing activities you can perform in the face of seeming illness or injury.  Even if you’re unsure or disbelieving, the act of calling on angels has immediate benefits for those who are ill—as well as their loved ones. That's only one reason to call upon angels.  They're only waiting for you to contact them.  Come and discover how easy it is!! Any time is a GREAT time to connect with the angels....  COME FLY WITH THE ANGELS!! February 13th, 2:00-4:00

Using a Pendulum, a Tool for Healing
The pendulum is an extension of your own personal intuition.  You are the one in charge.  It is your mind, the Intuition (High Self, Inner Child), and the Infinite source that provide the answers.  I use the  pendulum daily for assistance for answers about anything and everything. Some basic principles: 
*Never believe that you’re infallible.  
*Don’t use the pendulum for moral issues or selfish reasons. 
*It’s very difficult to get answers about the future. 
* Don’t use the pendulum to find out something out about another person unless you have their permission.  
Work with the pendulum generally turns out better if you aren’t too stressed, overtired, or too strongly emotionally moved by the topic at hand.  And it’s a great idea to free yourself from preconceived opinions, doubts or fears.  
March 6, 2:00-4:00...

Reiki 3, Master Practitioner....available to those who have completed Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2....January 28th or February 20th?? inquire for more details.

Know that each of you are here on this Earth to learn, grow, accept, and experience.  We have many opportunities place before us each and every day.  I hope you’ll make the most of what’s offered to you.  I wish you ALL that you Desire and Deserve...the most joyful holiday season, and an openness to the “new” in 2013, year of hope, oneness, peace, cooperation, LOVE!!!  I love you and ALL THAT YOU ARE!

LeeAnn Wehr, CRM, ATP
Certified Reiki Master
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Energy Clearing and Balancing
Classes, retreats, sessions, CD’s
USA, Latin America, Europe
San Carlos: 622 227 0457
Cell: 622 116 5112
US Cell: 520 360 9923
Vonage: 970 577 6851

Sunday, December 16, 2012


This past week with a couple of days of thunder, rain and wind have helped usher in the energies leading up to 12/21/12! I’m still amazed at the incredible waves of love that flooded the planet on 12/12/12. I wanted to slow way down and allow myself to really feel and notice what happened. I became consciously aware of fluffy, light waves of love flowing into my body around 5:00 am. As  I filled myself up I received and accepted all the love that I could hold and then it moved beyond me to encompass all that was around me.   I held an amazing gathering of gorgeous light BEings that afternoon to help anchor the love into our awareness on a very deep level.  Since that day I’ve remained in a peaceful, joyful, blissful state of love and compassion that I want to reach out and share with others.  I’ve also noticed that some of the irritations that I experienced in days before have disappeared and I’m no longer triggered into that state of disharmony and even anger.  I focus on loving all facets and versions of myself. I can BE the flow...I just want to BE in the love energy, receive and accept it and then share it.  It's up to us to help shift the frequency of the offer love, compassion and express gratitude to those little angels that gave their lives last week to assist in the raising awareness of the planet. I would love to gather with others on Friday the 21st at 2:00 on the beach off the Mirador road (some called playa piedras coloradas), but turn left off the Mirador road toward the beach and stay left as far as you can, you’ll see me and the waves waiting for you!!
You perhaps also now notice more when you are expanding and allowing other energies in. Don't be uncomfortable with your own greatness. Don't  "leak it out" a bit, dimming your light.  So many experiences of being met as light with less then loving energies have created deep patterns of protection and anxiety in human collective patterning.  ..Light on Earth is abundant!  There is room for your brilliance!  There is no need to hide your light! 
  The whole reality is changing as we ARE it.  It is consciousness in an expanded, profound way that is a TREMENDOUS gift of experience. You are really truly re-birthing yourself when you open your heart and discover an absence of fear.  As you open your heart to your own inner knowing and give up all ideas that you are not enough, as you let go of the need to make others different or wrong, as you simply stop thinking about how others do things and instead find ways to enjoy others--no matter how simple it may be--the more your perceptions will open you to new avenues of life. Each of you will have to find your own unique way into this harmonious state of being to join the new wholeness coming forth.  It will be available and open to any and all who resonate with and have affinity with self-love.  ....when you allow yourself to really and truly make your own well being, your own happiness, your own peace, your priority. It is simply important for you to be yourself, and to love that version of you, whomever that turns out to be.  In doing so, you will facilitate the purity of your wholeness coming forth, increasingly, and layer upon layer of wounds from distortions of love will dissolve into a unified, integrated, full and intensified presence!  
  In winter nature draws inward into stillness, animals hibernate, the ground freezes in some locations. It can be comforting to bundle up, and invite a time of self reflection, and allow a quiet inner knowing to reveal itself.  But it’s also a time to accept and surrender to and fill yourself with the Divine that you are. Many of us fear darkness because, in it, we may feel out of control.  But if we delve down through the layers of feelings that we have repressed and the discomfort of the self judgments that we hold within ourselves, we can discover that the core of our being is pure love!
Now this week we await the arrival of the much discussed 12/21/12! What does it mean? There are those who foresee the end of the world, but to me it’s simply the end of a cycle.  The “old energy” (way of being) is ending so that a “new world” may emerge.  On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar as we know it ends. The Earth aligns with the center of the Milky Way and a portal of light from that alignment will open and shine brightly upon us birthing a new epoch of love and unity.  This signals a planetary evolution, humanity is stepping up.  In this next week you may experience feelings of darkness and see chaos, but it’s only a signal of the shift that’s happening now.  Focus on your creativity...allow yourself to bring in this light through your crown chakra and send it on through you into the Earth.  And then bring grounding, centering energy back up into yourself from the Earth. The 23rd allowing and accepting more light from above will help us to focus on our lives and what we wish to manifest, how we wish to live.  This is an important time to gather with others of like mind and assist all of us and the Earth to adjust to, integrate and assimilate the flows of love and light.  Come to the beach Friday at 2:00!!!!
Savor each moment of light, and then fold yourself into the darkness of the longest night of the year on the 21st....allow its warmth and safety to surround you and surrender to yourself as you realize another aspect of your multidimensionality.  
I encourage you to take quiet time for inner reflection; spend it in nature if possible as we approach another change of season with the winter solstice  as well on the 21st.  Winter solstice is a time to celebrate the birth of the sun as we experience the shortest day of the year, and the longest night.  This is the crest of winter, when the days are the shortest and the nights are the longest.  This is also a time for celebrations of joy and abundance to coax the return of light and energy from the sun.  And a time for healing.  The energies are very warm and giving throughout the world now.  Besides your own quiet space it’s a perfect time for having sharing circles and healings.  The idealism and the spirit of oneness is quite clearly in the air.
2012 has proven to be a year of great change and transition for many as predicted, and has thrown much of the world into conflict and chaos as the old energy paradigm lifts off to make way for the “new world cycle”.  We continue to let to of the “old” and embrace our own Divinity as we allow ourselves to shine our light even brighter and find that place of service, joy, happiness, bliss, peace and harmony that we’re called to.
  What a time to be alive and sharing in this incredible experience on Earth at this time.  Take a look at where you’re at now, all that you’ve done in 2012, and dare to take a look at what you want to focus your energies on for 2013.   May you have the most
ever!!! Stay tuned for exciting classes and gatherings....Wishing you all that you desire and deserve
LeeAnn Wehr, CRM, ATP
Certified Reiki Master
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Energy Clearing and Balancing
Classes, retreats, sessions, CD’s
USA, Latin America, Europe
San Carlos: 622 227 0457
Cell: 622 116 5112
US Cell: 520 360 9923
Vonage: 970 577 6851

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Prepare for a Change of Season

A Change of Seasons.....
The date of the Autumn Equinox corresponds to the center of the Sun crossing the celestial equator moving southward. It is also based on the day closest to the first day of Autumn (September 21st) when night and day are nearly of the same length. This Saturday, September 22 ushers in the Fall Equinox 2012.
Traditionally, this celebration called for a harvest feast to celebrate and share the abundance of the past season. It is also a time when the plants are setting their seeds; making themselves ready for their new cycle.
A change of season always signals a time to heighten your awareness of nature and your surroundings.   Why not begin with an appreciation of the beauty you see all around you? Walk consciously as you allow each step to touch the earth sending her love and gratitude. Begin to feel the seasonal energy of change and realignment. This tells you it’s a time of recycling and of celebrating the changes in your own life.  The sun and earth are in alignment, but they are beginning to rest.  Days and nights are closely balanced.  Now is the time to balance aspects of yourself in preparation for what’s next. 
I suggest you take some time and find yourself in a quiet place.  Sit now, breathe, center, focus, relax....enter into a state of peace and harmony.  Here are three questions to ask as you prepare yourself for the Equinox energy gateway. I recommend that you ask them in an open-ended way, without agenda or expectation. The answers may come as you are asking the questions, as you sit in silence, during your dream state, or days later. The most important thing is to ask the questions, and then let spirit reveal what you need to know. Listen for the first responses you receive and accept them gratefully.  Journal what you receive.
What is the one area of my life that needs more balance now?

What can I do or avoid doing to raise my energetic frequency?

What is the one thing that needs to be released before I can move forward?

Allow yourself to receive answers now or later.  Accept what you receive gratefully and be ready to take action, but at the same time allow the unfoldment of what's next. Resolve to make the necessary changes to bring perfect balance, harmony, joy and happiness into your life.  Don't get stuck in the illusion that you are anything other than love and light. You do have the power and the choice to make these necessary changes.
This simple questioning process sets in motion energetic support from spirit and helps prepare you to benefit fully from the Equinox energy gateway. This quiet time of fall into winter will support you to meditate, journal, breathe and allow yourself the time to bring that balance and harmony into your life as you ready your seeds to plant for what's next.
Fall equinox is time to Celebrate life and the harvest of this year’s work. Take further time to examine your own individual harvest, and to be grateful for the results of the seeds you planted at the spring equinox. Gather with friends.  Remember those less fortunate than you. It’s an appropriate time to send restful, peaceful energies throughout the world. 
I celebrate LIFE!!! Today I still continue daily to make the connection with myself and my energy fields, with Mother Earth, with the angels and Archangels, with my healing guides, with God/Goddess. I use the many tools that I've learned over the years to clear, cleanse, heal, balance and stabilize myself first of all.  I am aware of my own energy field (chakras, etheric body).  I strive to bring the love and light into my life and the lives of others each day.  I celebrate life and my many blessings.  I value my friends, family, and clients, as well as, nature, our animal friends, and All That Is.  I try to stay open to the flow and allow my life to unfold as I continue to raise my frequency and consciousness.  The "work" and all the support I have lead me there. 
I am grateful for you in my life!  I celebrate my harvest of  the classes I offer in Chakras, Reiki, angelic connections, English, and more!! I also provide healing sessions for those who seek the balance and alignment they bring. I celebrate the charity service work that I am able to offer others. I celebrate the release of my 2 fabulous "Rainbow Chakras" CD's. I celebrate my own journey of growth, learning and following the path that leads me to my highest potential, as I listen to my heart’s truest desires.
I wish you all that you DESERVE and DESIRE and EXTRA
Love, light, peace, angel blessings and dolphin smiles.  I hope that you find the time to celebrate this change of season on Saturday!
LeeAnn Wehr, CRM, ATP
Certified Reiki Master
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Energy Clearing and Balancing
Classes, retreats, sessions, CD’s
USA, Latin America, Europe
San Carlos: 622 227 0457
Cell: 622 116 5112
US Cell: 520 360 9923

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Gift of Travel

The Gift of Travel.....
We’ve been on the road now for nearly a month, it’s amazing how the time flies along with the miles.  We travel in an RV, so we have our own little casita on wheels that allows us to venture forth and stop when and where we choose, as well as, eat in or out, and sleep in our own bed! A fabulous way to travel and experience life.
From the sandy beaches and rugged desert of San Carlos into more desert, as well as, pine forests in Arizona we trekked into Utah. One of the highlights for me so far was the night we spent in Canyonlands National Park in Utah surrounded by huge, colorful, sacred rocks.  As I climbed upon them they whispered to me of the wisdom of the Ancients.  The Wise Ones spoke of their travels, the collection of healing plants, and said they would reveal more information to me in my dreams.  I hope I can remember............This experience took me deeper into a life as a native American healer and teacher.  Many such experiences have led me to where I am today, and support me in my deeper connection to and respect for Mother Earth.  She who nurtures us and teaches us to nurture and nourish ourselves.  As we connect to nature around us we become grounded in the present moment and experience more of All That is there for us.  Each sacred step leads us to further information and remembering of who we truly are.  We are amazing BEings of light and love, and we are here to share that light and love.  
I mentioned in an earlier blog that I ask for assistance, guidance, shielding and protection from the angels, fairies and guides as we travel.  Their support was greatly appreciated as we neared Flagstaff, Arizona traveling at a high speed on the interstate when 2 large bull elk decided to run across the road.  My husband on short notice with a scream from me was able to slow a little as one darted barely crossing in front of us and the other behind us also missed by the vehicle behind us. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
They also help with repairs at times.  Our night in Canyonlands left us without any hook ups.  I love my morning cup of coffee, but as we attempted to start the generator it refused to fire up.  Bummer....we thought we’d have to find a dealer and get it repaired.  As we drove that day I asked for mechanical assistance for the generator.  That night when we stopped, we tried again to start it, and it started right up.  Amazing, not really! They’re always there for us, we just need to ask.  And they also help with whatever we ask for.  In Utah at Bear Lake a huge mass of mosquitos appeared in front of us. I told my husband to put on his cloak of invisibility (term from Harry Potter), which he did. And the pesty fliers disappeared.  Experiences such as these also help those who don’t really believe to believe!
We welcomed the coolness of Colorado, and expressed gratitude for the rains that assisted in stopping the raging wildfires.  We viewed some of the damaged areas and marveled at the many homes that were saved by brave, hard working firemen.  Another example of the cleansing taking place throughout the world.  
After a short time of “taking care of business” in Colorado we hit the road again in our new smaller RV, a Siesta made by Thor.  We love it! It’s just what we wanted, a little smaller, better gas mileage, more power for towing and climbing mountain passes, but with room to live quite comfortably.
Nature’s beauty and diversity continues to astound me and I deepen my connection with all that surrounds me.  Here’s a message:  Although the way ahead may seem foggy right now, persevere and continue on your sacred path. Walk through the mist trusting that you’re on the right path and soon the sunlight will shine brightly and open up the way more clearly for you.  Now, it’s important to surrender to the process and allow it to unfold as you stay grounded and centered in the precious present.  Memories that come up are old layers on their way out of your consciousness.  Don’t hold on to them.  Forgive anyone who may appear and bid them love and light to help them find their own way.  Allow them that privilege of self discovery.  Accept all that you are with love, gratitude and appreciation.  Plant your feet firmly in the “new” as you take step by step forward.  You are always surrounded by angels and guardians.
We also drove where dinosaurs trod and huge sea creatures swam in a tropical sea to be replaced now with pine forests  and aspen trees at an elevation of over 6,000 feet. Another message: Through the ups and downs of life many opportunities present themselves and it’s only up to you how you choose to react to and participate in them.  Nobody else can choose but you.  Choose wisely.  Time is of the essence now. 
Moving into Idaho we visited a Heritage center for Sacajawea.  Again, past lives as a young native American woman surface, and I’m asked to write about the spirituality of this young woman.  I hope I can rise to the challenge.....
We follow the Salmon River into Montana...I express great gratitude for this opportunity to fill my senses with nature’s greatness.    Then we swing back into Idaho and follow the Locsha and Clearwater Rivers. The water runs swiftly and so clearly, what a purifying force to see and experience...another gift of nature.  We try to imagine how Lewis and Clark maneuvered these mountain passes and winding valleys.  They had wonderful support and help from natives that lived in the area such as the Nez Pierce.  
And again we’re grateful for the opportunity to explore scenic by-ways and the less traveled way that takes us on adventures into the forest and offers a closer connection to Mother Earth.  Now in Washington we’ll slow down and spend some time with my brother, his wife and my mother.
I’ll continue to listen to the whispers from my past, from my High Self and from all the angels and archangels that surround me....I’ll take care of and nurture myself, as I know that my light touches many around to more adventures!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The gift of freedom....

Foaming waves pound the shore as we step into them and feel the power and strength of the sea.  Yet the water knows to flow, to move, she’s not stuck by obstacles in her path.  We step over rocks and allow our feet to melt into the wet sand.  Summer solstice....we seek our peaceful, secluded beach to celebrate.  We pass and greet a Mexican family, and continue on.  As we arrive, we ground ourselves by calling in the four directions, All That Is, Mother Earth, and our own sacredness within.
This longest day of the year fills us with even more light, and we recall experiences that led us to where we are today.  Many shifts, changes and blessings flood through us, and a few tears of joy overflow, letting our hearts rain.  We continue to nurture and nourish the seeds that we planted at the spring equinox in March.  And note how they’ve grown, bloomed and flourished into our dreams.  We state further intentions and send them off to the Universe without expectation, but trusting, knowing and believing that this or even better is now on the way back to our reality.  We open further to be aware of and experience the everyday miracles in our own lives.  Gratitude and appreciation ask to be expressed.  Thus we anchor in our requests into this precious, present moment.  Joy, bliss, happiness fill us and our energy field, and spread out around us.  We take time to BE.
As we make our way back, I speak to the Mexican family and wish them a happy first day of summer.  They tell us that they’re here to celebrate the solstice and to honor the Earth.  What a lovely synchronicity!! We are indeed All One, there is no separation.  They open up trash bags and begin a clean up of the area.  I again allow those tears of happiness run down my cheeks.  What a gift to be alive now!
This momentum moves me through my last days in San Carlos as I wrap up my time and further celebration with students, friends and clients here until the fall. Although we’re energetically connected and still in touch.  We support and encourage each other. Now my husband and I prepare for a road trip adventure in the states.
Traveling allows me to spread more light and love wherever we go, and gives me further opportunity to appreciate and honor all that surrounds me.  Angels, guides and fairies travel with us to help through challenges that may arrive, transmuting them into fun experiences rather than drama and trauma.  I just ask, and they’re always there with a solution, an idea, an inspiration, an opportunity, and help us to lighten up!  Life unfolds in a much more blissful and graceful way with their support.
Today I find myself with some quiet time to take a few minutes to share with others the many gifts I experience each and every day.  Today is July 4th, our national day of independence and freedom.  I pray for peace and harmony to envelope the world.  Chaos and struggle abound, but serve only as opportunities for humanity to step up and raise their consciousness; to lift above the petty politics, greed, fears and need to control. We can speak up, remember and seek out the freedoms that were won for us centuries ago.  We can take back our own power, stand up for ourselves with unconditional love and acceptance of all.  I pray for those in government to realize and remember the Divinity and sacredness of their positions, as well as, the responsibility they hold.  I pray that each individual, no matter where they are, can also accept their own divinity and take the stand in the light and love that we each are.  I also trust, know and believe that everything is unfolding as it’s meant to right now for each one of us, and that the peace, harmony, and happiness for all is available right now.  We just have to open our eyes and hearts to see, feel and embrace it as a way of life.  The criticism, complaining and fear only bring more of that into existence.  
So, today as you celebrate this time ask yourself what does freedom mean for you? What does independence mean to you? How do you express them in your life? How can you find that joy, bliss, harmony and happiness in your own life?  It’s there....realize it.  Tools abound now to support you on your journey.  Receive them. Ask for support.  Heal yourself.  You have the power and wisdom to do so.  You are never alone.  

LeeAnn Wehr, CRM, ATP
Certified Reiki Master
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Energy Clearing and Balancing
Classes, retreats, sessions, CD’s
USA, Latin America, Europe
San Carlos: 622 227 0457
Cell: 622 116 5112
US Cell: 520 360 9923
Vonage: 970 577 6851
webpage: HYPERLINK ""
blog:  HYPERLINK ""

Don’t forget to order your “Rainbow Chakra” CD’s
LeeAnn's chakra meditation and balancing CDs have a profound effect on me every time I listen to them.  She reminds me that I'm always empowered and that everything will always be okay, even in moments of doubt, and that living life in a positive way is always a choice that I have.
  I like learning the meaning of each chakra individually, and listening to the CDs helps me to heal myself and my relationships.  The music is also very soothing and appropriate, and enhances the meditation process.
  LeeAnn's chakra meditations are a constant reminder to be true to myself.  This effects my interactions with others in a more positive way. S. D. Colorado

Yes!  It's true LeeAnn!  Your Rainbow Chakras CD's were divinely inspired!  Thank you!  Let the healing begin! D.D. Mexico

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I have a new project!!! I've just recorded a 2 CD set of Meditations, "Rainbow Chakras"!! There are 8 different meditations related to your own energetic system of chakras.  Maybe you don't know what a chakra is, or perhaps you'd like to learn more about yourself.  This is an incredible tool!
CHAKRAS= a Sanskrit word that means “wheel” or “circle”.  Aligned with the spinal column, these centers regulate the flow of physical and psychological vitality throughout the body.  Knowing how the chakras function and how they help you to improve your life greatly enhances your health and well being, as well as your spiritual awareness.  
Traditionally we study the 7 major chakras aligned with the spinal cord. They each have a corresponding color, organs and glands that they influence, as well as, physical and emotional issues that make them all unique.  Each chakra stores, manages and transmits a different kind of energy.  One is not more important than the other, whether it’s more related to our physical survival or our spiritual development. 
When all the chakras are working together, we communicate our visions, ground our power, there is pleasure in our work and relationships, and there is continued learning on each level.  In order to experience wholeness and the creativity, knowledge, strength, love and bliss that this entails, the chakras have to be open and work together harmoniously.  This is the case with very few people.  As a rule, the individual chakras are activated at different degrees.  Knowledge of the chakras can be of immeasurable help in healing, learning, can guide you in the realization of your inherent potential and enable you to live a life full of abundance and joy.
I've been working with and studying chakras for over 25 years.  On a daily basis I'm aware of their energy, color, and use affirmations to help myself maintain balance.  I've offered many classes about chakras and have finally put together this 2 CD set with 8 meditations!! I focus on each individual chakra with a 10-15 minute guided meditation, as well as, a total energy balancing of 45 minutes at the end of the 2nd CD.  
Suggestions for how to use this CD:
You have the option to focus on each individual chakra with a meditation, or find the integrated guided meditation at the end of the 2nd CD that will help you align, balance and harmonize ALL your chakras. Here are some ideas about which chakra to focus on:
You feel like you’re not  really connected, dropping things, or running into things, you're experiencing lack in your life: Chakra 1
You feel powerless, angry, fearful, frustrated,  have a stomach ache: Chakra 3
Nobody listens to you or hears what you have to say, you have a sore throat: Chakra 5
You’re blocked, not creative nor sensual, you're holding on to emotions, you don't feel abundant: Chakra 2
You don’t feel loved or appreciated, You can’t forgive: Chakra 4
You want a new perspective, point of view, or have a headache, you want to see clearly: Chakra 6
You want to feel and know a Divine connection: Chakra 7
You don’t like or appreciate your body: Chakra 1
You want to feel balanced and whole: the final meditation 2n CD.
Thanks again for your support and purchase of this CD.  These are just ideas, experiment and see what works for you.
None of the chakras functions alone, they intermesh and work together.  An imbalance in one chakra will affect the other chakras or may even be caused by them.  Overall, we want our base chakra to be strong and solid support for our spiritual growth.  We want clarity, ease and consistency to fall back on.  We want support from our ground, enjoyment in our sexuality and sensuality, and potency when we focus our power.  We want a healthy body, full of feeling and vitality.  In the upper chakras, we want freedom and flexibility, creativity and expansion, new ideas, new information and expansive time to reflect upon them. We want the inspiration that makes the survival routines of the lower chakras worth living.  We want to be ever expanding our horizons, our knowledge and our perceptions.  In the heart chakra we want a sense of balance and peace—balancing our upper and lower chakras, balance between inner and outer, giving and receiving, mind and body.  We want that balance to allow an integration of polarities.  When all the chakras are working together, we communicate our visions, ground our power, there is pleasure in our work and relationships, and there is continued learning on each level.  
In these shifting and changing time we live in today, I feel it’s vitally important to love, support and nurture yourself.  With a knowledge of this energy system, this vital part of yourself, you can enhance your vitality and know yourself on a deeper level that ever before.  
Order your Rainbow Chakra CD set today!! Only $20 dollars or $250 pesos, plus $5 for handling and shipping.  Please contact me at to place your order.  You can pay via paypal or send me a check.  Take advantage NOW...and please do share this info.

Testimonials: I love your new CD.  I listened to the whole CD last night.  It's wonderful...I particularly was drawn to the background music which was just perfect.  And, of course, I always love your voice which is so steady and soothing.  The concept of doing each chakra is also appealing...and to be able to pick a track dedicated to a certain chakra is a great idea when you feel like the energy is stuck there...The quality of the recording is excellent....M.S. California

I started listening to the first one..:) She has a soothing voice and I realized I just don't take time to quite myself and reassure myself and let myself listen to/talk to God. :)  R.M. Virginia

I LOVE the CD's.     P. M. Colorado

LeeAnn Wehr, CRM, ATP
Certified Reiki Master
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Energy Clearing and Balancing
Classes, retreats, sessions, CD’s
USA, Latin America, Europe
San Carlos: 622 227 0457
Cell: 622 116 5112
US Cell: 520 360 9923
Vonage: 970 577 6851

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

As difficult as this time is for us personally and for our world and human family, I would like to suggest that there is a kind of majesty in the truth that we are all part of this enormous shift in the consciousness of all life.  In our history pain has always been the motivating force of change.  (Perhaps this will no longer be true in the new paradigm, but we're not quite there yet.)  So, as we experience our lives speeding up, and our lessons getting more and more intense, the best thing we can do is acknowledge that we are not alone; that we are part of an amazing event unknown before in human history; and that if we persevere we will come out of this turmoil and land in the middle of the magic of transformation.  
Next week’s Summer Solstice brings us a time of celebrating nurturance and growth and prosperity in our lives.  It’s a time to relax and enjoy the work that we’ve put in.  Bask in the balanced energy of the sun and moon and the sky and earth.  This continues to be a very high growth time, and a time for energizing those projects that we’re working on, as well as, a time for healing yourself and sharing that with the planet.  
I encourage you to spend some time outside in the next few days, especially for the solstice, wherever you are and just let all the life on the planet feel your gratitude, harmony, joy, and bliss on your journey.
Let us all celebrate the Solstice in it's true spirit, excited at the coming summer and the haymaking time, the new life that is growing up out of the ground from the earth and from our spirits.  Be open to the incoming energies of hope, love and strength.  Enjoy the company of family and friends.  Bask in the gift of life.  Appreciate where you are, so that you can open to all that’s yet to come.  You’ve worked hard; you’ve changed and shifted; give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate.
This is a time for healing circles of all types.  It’s a time for self healing.  This is a time for nature ceremonies outside.  Dance under the moon, dance under the sun, and BE outside.  The part of you that is nature, your body, your physicality, needs the connection with the earth’s growth cycles.  Summer calls us back to rebalance our purposeful activity with just being in the body for the pleasure of it.  The very nature of the summer season opens our bodies to receive pleasure, and to celebrate the fertility of the Earth.  Mother Earth loves you just because you are.  
I hope that you can enjoy a celebration of the solstice energies of summer and this longest day of the year.  Welcome in that extra light and warmth of this day.  Perhaps you can find creative passionate expression, dance, commune with nature, express and activate your desires, open to receive the abundance of the earth, gather with friends to celebrate a joyful, playful sensual and unifying ritual.  
It’s a good time for positive energy, for making resolutions and vows that require inner strength.  It’s a good time to draw up rules to live by.  You can emphasize your own courage, intellect, self confidence, openness, effective communication.  Face and release any fears so you can bring in more light and clarity.
I am constantly reminded in my own life, and, then in turn remind you, that this is a time to dig even more deeply into the recesses of our consciousness to weed out whatever is not in alignment with our true nature, and transform it in the light.  This is the time of transformation.  This is the time of celebration.  This is the time to surf the big waves, open our hearts to compassion first to ourselves and then to our fellow human beings and the Mother Earth Herself, and to allow ourselves to become the true Beings of Light that we naturally are.  
For anyone who would care to join me, I’m going to be at Playa Piedras Pintas next Thursday, June 21st at 10:00 to celebrate this beautiful day.  I hope you can join me if not physically, at least in spirit.
LeeAnn Wehr, CRM, ATP
Certified Reiki Master
Angel Therapy Practitioner
Energy Clearing and Balancing
Classes, retreats, sessions, CD’s
USA, Latin America, Europe
San Carlos: 622 227 0457
Cell: 622 116 5112
US Cell: 520 360 9923
Vonage: 970 577 6851
Have a magical and blessed Solstice. Love, light, peace, joy, angelblessings and dolphin smilespastedGraphic.pdf